Explanation On Why Sweating Fabric Manikin Is Important

Explanation On Why Sweating Fabric Manikin Is Important

Sweating Fabric Manikin principle analysis:

Human body sweating can be divided into hidden sweating and visible sweating. When the temperature is low, that is, below 20 ℃, people are in a static state, through breathing, skin pore diffusion, every hour from the body sweat, heat, this sweating people do not feel, so called no sense sweating, called recessive sweating. When the temperature rises above 25℃ to 30℃, the human body emits about 174-348 kcal of heat per hour through radiation and convection without showing sweat, but it is still lower than the heat produced and needed in the body, then the human body has to dissipate heat in the form of evaporation by discharging sweat through sweat glands all over the body. This sweat is in a liquid state, so that people are in a more comfortable state, thus maintaining the important function of energy and health. The unobtrusive sweating that occurs in a day and night is about 500-700 ml, while people who exercise vigorously or work in a hot environment, for example, sweat an average of 4.51±0.3 L when the temperature is 25-35°C for 4 hours of long-distance running training, and up to 6.4 L when the temperature is 37.7°C and the relative humidity is 80-100% for 70 minutes of soccer training. All of these conditions are manifest sweating.

Walter Sweating Fabric Manikin

Although it is said that the main reason for a lot of sweating is the external temperature, the intensity of thermal radiation, temperature, humidity and the amount of exercise per unit of time, but the human body's dressing situation should not be ignored. In fact, in the high heat and humidity of the apparent sweat state, with the increase in the level of human metabolism, the form of wet transfer has not only gaseous water but mainly in the form of liquid water transfer. At this time the body's discomfort will become particularly serious.

From the international Sweating Fabric Manikin laboratory research situation, although the research in the field of thermal and wet comfort of clothing has a certain scale, the test has also been refined to all aspects of thermal and wet comfort
