7 Steps of Martindale Abrasion And Pilling Tester
7 Steps of Martindale Abrasion And Pilling Tester
In this article, Standard Group introduces you about the operation method of Martindale Abrasion And Pilling Tester:
1. Turn on the power and open the power switch on the side of the instrument;
2. Check the positioning of the 3 bearing pulleys;
3. Set the required number of revolutions;
a) Press the "*" key under the display to zero all individual counters;
b) Press "0" to stop the operation of a counter;
c) Press "1" to count only the operation of one counter; d) Press "2" to clear the data displayed on one counter;
4. Place the specimen and abrasive into the specimen holder or abrasive table according to the requirements of different method standards